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International Self-Care Day, celebrated on July 24th, is a vibrant reminder to prioritize our well-being. But for people-pleasers like myself, that simple notion can morph into a guilt-ridden internal battle. The second we hear “self-care,” our minds conjure images of extravagant spa days or ditching work for a long afternoon nap—a picture that screams “selfish” to our very core.

Here’s the truth, though: self-care isn’t selfish, it’s the foundation for a healthier, happier you, and ultimately, better relationships. Let’s explore why self-care can feel like a selfish act for people-pleasers like us, and how to navigate it guilt-free.

The People-Pleasing Paradox:

We, the people-pleasers, wear a badge of honour for making others happy. We prioritize the needs and desires of those around us, often at the expense of our own. This tendency stems from a deep-seated desire for approval and validation. We believe neglecting our well-being is a necessary sacrifice to maintain positive connections.

Why Self-Care Feels Selfish (and Why It’s Not):

Several things fuel the guilt trip people-pleasers experience when considering self-care:

  • The Fear of Disappointment: Saying “no” to a request feels like failing a friend, family member, or colleague. It triggers a primal anxiety – letting someone down, shattering the image of the ever-reliable, ever-available person we’ve carefully crafted.
  • Conflation of Self-Care with Laziness: We might associate self-care with simply relaxing or prioritizing personal enjoyment. This fuels the belief that neglecting our responsibilities for such activities is selfish. We often forget that self-care isn’t about indulgence, but about taking intentional steps to replenish our emotional and physical reserves.
  • The “Should” Monster: Internalized expectations like “I should always be available” or “I should put others first” create feelings of guilt when self-care is prioritized. These expectations, often rooted in childhood conditioning or societal pressures, become self-imposed shackles that prevent us from prioritizing our well-being.

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The Truth About Self-Care:

Taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. Here’s why, coming from a fellow people-pleaser’s perspective:

  • Improved Well-Being: Burnout, stress, and resentment are common consequences of neglecting self-care. Conversely, prioritizing my needs leads to increased energy, emotional resilience, and overall well-being. Imagine being able to help others wholeheartedly instead of feeling drained and resentful! It’s like the analogy of the airplane oxygen mask: you can’t help others if you’re gasping for air yourself.
  • Stronger Relationships: Imagine a half-empty glass. You can’t continuously pour from an empty well. Self-care allows me to be more present, patient, and emotionally available for those I care about. Ultimately, I can be a better friend, family member, or colleague by showing them what healthy self-care looks like.
  • Setting a Healthy Example: By prioritizing my well-being, I implicitly show others that it’s okay to do the same. This can cultivate healthy boundaries and encourage balanced relationships in my circle. When we model self-care, it gives permission for those around us to do the same, fostering a more supportive and understanding environment.

Self-Care for the People-Pleaser: A Guilt-Free Guide

Here are some tips that have helped me, a recovering people-pleaser, embrace self-care without the guilt trip:

  • Start Small: Don’t try to overhaul your life overnight. Begin with micro-practices like a 10-minute meditation or an evening walk. Small steps lead to big changes! Celebrate these small victories, no matter how insignificant they might seem.
  • Reframe Your Mindset: Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s an investment in my ability to be a better friend, family member, or colleague. When I care for myself, I’m better equipped to care for others. It’s not about taking away, but about adding to my ability to give.
  • Communicate Openly: Express my needs to loved ones. Let them know I’m prioritizing self-care not out of neglect, but out of love for myself and them. Open communication helps build understanding and support. Explain that by taking care of yourself, you’re becoming a better version of yourself for them as well.
  • Celebrate My Successes: Be proud of my self-care efforts! Acing that 10-minute meditation? That’s a win! Acknowledge the progress I’m making, no matter how small. Taking a moment to appreciate these victories reinforces the positive impact of self-care and fuels the motivation to continue.


Remember: You are worthy of care and attention. International Self-Care Day is a great reminder, but self-care shouldn’t be confined to a single day. It’s a continuous journey of self-love and respect. Don’t let the voice of guilt hold you back from prioritizing your well-being. You deserve it!

Still Struggling to Break Free from the Guilt?

If you’re a people-pleaser struggling to break free from guilt and embrace self-care, seeking professional support can be invaluable. Here at Real Life Counselling, we have experienced therapists, such as Anna Nguyen, MA, RCC, specializing in helping individuals set healthy boundaries and navigate self-care guilt. They can provide tools and strategies to help you:

  • Identify the Root Cause of Guilt: Explore the underlying reasons behind your self-care guilt. Was it instilled by a parent or caregiver? Is it tied to societal expectations? Understanding the source can help you challenge these negative beliefs.
  • Develop Assertive Communication Skills: Learn how to communicate your needs clearly and confidently, without feeling like you’re being “selfish.”
  • Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would show a loved one. Forgive yourself for past mistakes and focus on moving forward in a positive direction.

Don’t wait until you’re burned out to reach out. Contact us today and start your journey toward a more balanced, fulfilling life where self-care is embraced as an essential act of love for yourself!

By prioritizing self-care, you’re not being selfish; you’re taking essential steps to create a happier, healthier you, and ultimately, strengthen the relationships you hold dear. This International Self-Care Day, take a stand for yourself, and embrace the benefits of a well-cared-for life!

Remember, self-care isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity for people-pleasers like us to thrive, not just survive.