2010 Walk Now for Autism Speaks
“Join Autism Speaks Canada as we walk to change the future for the Canadian and global autism communities! Walk Now for Autism Speaks is a fun-filled, family friendly event and is our single most powerful …Read More
Are you ready for LOVE?
Honest, fulfilling love is what we all want, but it’s sometimes so hard to find. I hear many of my clients struggle with the difficulties of finding the right partner for them. They’re feeling lonely …Read More
Positive Attitude
Do you see a cup half full or half empty? This question can seem trivial, but it actually can tell a lot about the way you see circumstances in life and, possibly, the way you …Read More
Nine Psychological Tasks for a Good Marriage
Research on what makes a marriage work shows that people in a good marriage have completed these psychological “tasks”:
1. Emotional Independence from Primary Family
Separated emotionally from the family you grew up in; not to the …Read More
Psychology of Love – Personality and Attraction
Why Him? Why Her?
I like being around people who are in love. They have a contagious energy.
Helen Fisher wrote a nice article about how our personality influences our choices when it comes to romantic relationships. …Read More
Why Changing Habits is So Hard?
Habits are a powerful thing. They shape our days and, eventually, out lives. Because of that, the right habits are incredibly important for achieving our goals and getting the life we want. However, habits are …Read More
Work Life Balance
Do you feel overwhelmed with work? Are you constantly tired and under stress? Your boss is calling you to ask just one more question about the meeting, you’re checking your e-mails in the evenings and …Read More
New Years Resolutions?
What are my New Year’s Resolutions?
As we’re rolling to the new year, I have one very important advice for you: Don’t do new years resolutions!
Goal setting is a daily, weekly, monthly habit, not just for the …Read More
The Work by Bryon Katie
Feeling stress during the Holiday season? Think about these questions from The Work by Bryon Katie.
Is it true?
Can you absolutely know that it’s true?
How do you react, what happens, when you believe that …Read More